Meet Your Potential Renters

5TypesOfResdients. The Downsizer, the Researcher, the Up and Comer, the Family Renter, the Routine Renter.

One of these folks comes into your leasing office ….

When potential renters knock on the door of your leasing office, you want to be ready with the amenities and selling points that make your property their most attractive option. To help you figure out what features are most highlight-worthy to each renter, we launched an in-depth research study into modern renters and created this whitepaper to share our results.


How to Speak to a Resident

Our research reveals the top five types of renters and what they need from you.

Here’s what you’ll get in this report:

  • A psychographic and demographic breakdown of the 5 different types of renters
  • Insight into the renting potential
  • The amenities and selling points that are most important to each type of renter
  • Tips for positioning your property’s best features to each renter